What Happens if NOTA Gets Maximum Votes? SC Seeks EC’s Response

What Happens if NOTA Gets Maximum Votes

What Happens if NOTA Gets Maximum Votes? The Supreme Court on Friday issued a notice to the Election Commission of India (ECI) on a petition seeking to declare the election invalid if maximum voters chose the ‘None of the Above’ (NOTA) option.

A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by author and motivational speaker Shiv Kheda also seeks to enact rules that candidates who poll less than NOTA will be barred from contesting all elections for five years, thereby depriving them of their responsibilities. Will improve. and ensure a more honest approach to electoral representation.

The purpose is to establish rules to ensure proper and efficient reporting and promotion of NOTA as a “notional candidate”.

A bench headed by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud has asked the Election Commission to examine the rules related to NOTA.

What Happens if NOTA Gets Maximum Votes

“We will investigate. will issue a notice. It is also about the electoral process,” the bench said.

Senior advocate Gopal Sankaranarayan, representing the petitioner, cited the recent example of Surat where the election was not held due to the presence of only one candidate.

During the hearing, the plaintiff’s counsel asserted that even if no other candidate opposes the incumbent or withdraws his candidature, the polling should take place as the NOTA option exists.

What Happens if NOTA Gets Maximum Votes

The NOTA option was introduced in 2013 following Supreme Court directions on a 2004 PIL. Since then, NOTA has served as an opportunity for voters to express their dissatisfaction with the candidates and register their opposition.

NOTA votes are classified as “invalid” and do not directly contribute to the outcome of the election, making them more symbolic than impactful.
