Marrow Edition 8 Launch Date

Marrow Edition 8 Launch Date

We are happy to announce that Marrow Edition 8 Launch Date is now available in your app. This release of Marrow is special because we pay tribute to our current and future patients from whom we learn so much.

Marrow Edition 8 Launch

9th June

  1. Body composition
  2. Medicine
  3. Unconscious
  4. Dermatology
  5. Bone disease

10th June

  1. Physiology
  2. Psychotherapy
  3. Forensic Medicine
  4. Radiology
  5. Pediatrics

11th June

  1. Ent
  2. Community medicine
  3. Surgery
  4. Microbiology
  5. Pathology

12th June

  1. Ophthalmology
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Obg
  4. Medicine

Marrow Edition 8 Launch Date

Marrow Edition 8 Specifications-

  • Revised Notes on Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Paediatrics.
  • New information on forensic medicine.
  • Includes high-quality images, original illustrations, tables, and flowcharts.
  • Designed to be your most important handwritten notes.

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